Friday Poll: Australian Has a Beer After a Snake Bite

One reads that a venomous snake bit an Australian man, and the man decided to have a beer while waiting for medial assistance:

What do you do when you’ve been bitten by one of the deadliest snakes in the world? Crack open a beer, of course.

That’s what Rod Sommerville, 54, of Australia, had in mind after he was nipped by a eastern brown snake in his backyard last month.

After the bite, the Queensland man said he went inside and called emergency services, according to local reports. He then apparently grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat down to enjoy the brew while he waited for the ambulance to arrive.

Sommerville reasoned that panicking would have made it worse.

“I said to myself, ‘if I’m going to [die], I’m going to have a beer,'” he told the Rockhampton Morning Bulletin….

The beer-drinking man was picked up by emergency services and treated with an anti-venom at a local hospital. Although he had an adverse reaction to the medication, Sommerville survived the incident.

So – sensible to open that beer can, or reckless?  I wouldn’t normally advocate drinking after an injury, but in this case I think Sommerville’s actions helped him stay calm, and there’s a certain admirable defiance behind drinking that beer, there and then.   For me, he’s sensible.

What do you think?



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Dr. X
10 years ago

Pure wisdom, pure wisdom

10 years ago

What kind of beer?

10 years ago
The Phantom Stranger
10 years ago

I hope it was a Fosters big ‘oil can.’ Yumm.

10 years ago

That’s also a solid choice.

10 years ago

Thats an Aussie for ya. If he dies, he dies !