Friday Poll: Summer Blockbusters

Here’s a poll of films that their studios hope will be summer blockbusters. Perhaps, perhaps not. I’ll guess Star Trek, Man of Steel, and Pacific Rim will be huge. What do you think (and what else is on the horizon that I’ve missed)?

Poll (multiple answers possible) with trailers below —

Star Trek: Into Darkness

Lone Ranger

Man of Steel

World War Z

Pacific Rim

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Dr. X
11 years ago

#1 will be Superman. World War Z was great book, Brad Pitt is cool but movie doesn’t look so good.

11 years ago

pacific rim looks like transformners with people
why not just nuke the aliens?

The Phantom Stranger
11 years ago

DC Comics and Warner Bros have a lot riding on the Superman re-boot. It looks promising. I hope it umm…flies.

Ayn Rand
11 years ago

I just can’t believe you forgot to mention that there is a Smurfs movie coming out this summer 😉