Friday Poll: The Breakfast Burrito Incident

A Michigan woman claims that she suffered “constant pain, discomfort, disability, emotional distress, mental anguish…” after eating a McDonald’s breakfast burrito. She contends that a foreign object in the burrito caused her injuries (although her lawsuit reportedly does not identify that object):

Susan Delph is claiming she suffered “severe injuries” after biting into a McDonald’s breakfast burrito, according to a lawsuit filed Tuesday in the Washtenaw County Trial Court.

Delph went to the McDonald’s located 1535 S. Main Street in Chelsea on Feb. 26, 2012, and ordered a breakfast burrito.

“(She) bit down on a hard, foreign object causing severe injury to her mouth and jaw,” the lawsuit says.

The suit does not specify what the object was.

Delph is being represented by personal injury attorney Neil A. David, based in Farmington Hills. He did not return a phone call left Friday.

The lawsuit lists counts of negligence, breach of warranty and violation of consumer and food laws….

Although we cannot know the circumstances with certainty, how about a guess from experience for an unscientific poll: do you think her injury was probably (1) from a foreign object, or (2) simply from eating a McDonald’s burrito in the first place?

Let’s assume that she was injured. I’ll suggest that those consuming McDonald’s breakfast burritos should, pretty much, assume the risk of any discomfort, etc. Under this line of reasoning, it’s like claims about playing with matches: a person runs a high risk of getting burned.

(Perhaps the smaller class of McDonald’s burrito-eaters comprises those who don’t get sick.)

What do you think?

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10 years ago

pay your money take your chances

10 years ago

Risky business!

The Phantom Stranger
10 years ago

The whole thing sounds fabricated to me…

10 years ago

I think the breakfast burrito is a foreign object !

Ayn Rand
10 years ago

That about says it right there!