Friday Poll — Toronto’s Mayor Rob Ford: Optimist or Reprobate?


Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, the admittedly crack-smoking and heavy-drinking chief executive of that large city, now finds himself in rehab after yet another revelation that he’s still an addict.

After checking himself into in rehabilitation, here’s how Ford described his initial experience in that facility:

“I feel great,” he said. “Rehab is amazing. It reminds me of football camp. Kind of like the Washington Redskins camp I went to as a kid. I am working out every day and I am learning about myself, my past and things like that.”

He’s also looking ahead:

Of course, I am coming back and I am going to kick butt,” Ford told the paper. “I will be on the ballot for mayor in October, guaranteed, and I will do well. On Oct. 28, there will be no need to change the locks. There will be no need to clean out my office because I am coming back.”

So, what do you think, from this distance: does Rob Ford strike you as a sunny optimist, or more like an incorrigible reprobate?

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Ayn Rand
10 years ago

We’ll never know but he doesn’t seem serious about his condition.
Thinking about his next election is unrealistic.

Dr. X
10 years ago

ah no thats not a serious guy

10 years ago

he’s making it harder for people who are really trying to improve their lives by making it seem easy

10 years ago

he got caught breaking hospital rules too