Friday Poll: Whitewater’s first accumulated snowfall in the 2012-13 season?

Here’s a 2012-2013 version of a poll first published last year: when will Whitewater see her first accumulated snowfall in the 2012-13 season?

It’s mild weather ahead for the weekend, but when will that change into an appreciable snowfall? (Let’s call an appreciable snowfall at least one inch.) Comments are available, including for those outside the city who’d like to predict for their own communities.

My guess for Whitewater: December 23rd.

What do you think?

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Dr. X
12 years ago

it will never snow again ever

Ayn Rand
12 years ago

In Madison and Whitewater snow will begin promptly at 11:59 p.m. on December 24th.


12 years ago

We already had snow up north already more than an inch definately

12 years ago

noon on dec 12th 12/12/2012 at 12.

12 years ago

No snow this year,just some good soaking rains, Dream on!

12 years ago

Both the ECMWF and GFS forecast models indicate we’ll get our first accumulating snowfall around the 10th. With both forecast models in agreement, the odds are fairly high, thus my pick of Dec. 1-15.