Friday Poll: Will There Be a Fiscal Cliff Deal?

Congress and the White House have yet to agree on (let alone pass into law) a budget deal to avert the much-discussed fiscal cliff of automatic cuts through sequestration.

Do you think there will be a deal, before the first of the year?

I’ll say yes, there will be a last minute arrangement of some sort to prevent sequestration.

What do you think: deal, no deal, or a deal but only after 2013 has begun?

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Ayn Rand
11 years ago

I think there will be a very bad and very last minute deal.

11 years ago

Ms. Rand, you’re quite the pessimist this morning: there could be a very bad deal with days to spare…

11 years ago

Any deal will help lift the uncertainty that hangs over every one

11 years ago

No deal!

The Phantom Stranger
11 years ago

I think the Republicans’ reluctance to tax those over $250,000 has already caused them irreparable damage. Polls validate this. The public validated this in the last election. The President sits in the catbird seat. He is extremely popular right now. The Republicans are not. John Boehner is viewed as Scrooge, The Grinch, Mr. Potter…

Dr. X
11 years ago

Boehner only has House plus he can’t even get them to agree.He has no leverage.Shows how important having both House and Senate is to negotiate against the White House.

11 years ago

If you go over the cliff, try not to fall on me at the bottom already.

11 years ago

We’ll be careful; I think there will be plenty of us down there to keep you company!