Friday Poll: World Cup Viewing

Are you watching any of the World Cup matches? I don’t follow soccer, but have to admit that these matches are great viewing, I think.

What do you think?

By the way, here’s an excerpt of explanatory article from the Atlantic on why Americans call soccer ‘soccer’:

In May, Stefan Szymanski, a sports economist at the University of Michigan, published a paper debunking the notion that “soccer” is a semantically bizarre American invention. In fact, it’s a British import. And the Brits used it often—until, that is, it became too much of an Americanism for British English to bear.

Below, a player-of-the-day clip featuring Luis Suárez:

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Ayn Rand
10 years ago

Fun in small doses only.

10 years ago

not bad to watch

The Phantom Stranger
10 years ago

Always fun to watch an international, really worldwide sporting event, unlike jingoistic American events like Super Bowl, World Series. Go, USA!

10 years ago

It’s a different perspective.the ESPN foreign commentators are lowkey and kind of quiet.