Friday Poll: World’s Smallest Dog? I’m not so sure about that….

One reads that Milly is the world’s smallest dog by the Guinness Record Book’s estimation:


Milly via Guinness Record Book photo

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Puerto Rico can now boast it is home to the world’s smallest dog – at least when it comes to height.

The brown Chihuahua named Miracle Milly is shorter than a soup can, standing at 3.8 inches (9.65 centimeters) tall when measured from backbone to paw, Guinness World Records announced Thursday.

She is nearly 2 years old, weighs roughly 1 pound (half a kilogram) and is known for often sticking out her tiny tongue when someone takes her picture.

“She knows how to pose,” owner Vanesa Semler told The Associated Press.

Miracle Milly dethroned Boo Boo, a long-haired Chihuahua from Kentucky that stands 4 inches (10.16 centimeters) tall.

Guinness also has a second category for world’s smallest dog when measured by length. That title is held by Heaven Sent Brandy, a Chihuahua in Largo, Florida, that measures 6 inches (15.24 centimeters) long.

So, here’s the question (and my second-consecutive dog-related poll): Is Milly really a dog, or do you think she’s actually some kind of smaller animal merely posing as a dog (e.g., rat, hairless squirrel, extraterrestrial creature, Russian science experiment gone wrong)? I’m going with extraterrestrial creature.

What do you think?

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Ayn Rand
11 years ago

She’s a dog but she’s a really really tiny one.


Dr. X
11 years ago

it could be an E.T. dog

11 years ago

she is adorable

Boris Badenov
11 years ago

it is one of my science experiments to conquer moose and squirrel

11 years ago


The Phantom Stranger
11 years ago

I’ve seen smaller: like those pups in a cup on the back of old comics in the ’50’s…this poll has gone to the dogs… 😉

11 years ago

Yes, it has!