Good Morning, New Readers from Across America

Good morning, new readers from across America.

The fine Wisconsin State Journal story from veteran reporter Dee Hall, entitled “Whitewater Police Pursue Anonymous Blogger, Critic” has circulated far and wide, to every part of America. From nearby East Troy and LaCrosse, to Oklahoma City, Boston, and Alaska, thousands of new readers have visited this small website in the last day.

(To Angela in Alaska: You’re right, it’s cold here, too. 🙂 )

Many of you have written to express your support for free speech, and to urge me to keep blogging. You bet I will. America and her constitutional guarantees don’t stop at our city’s town line. In fact, I’m rolling out new features this week.

I am an optimist about America, and all the possibilities she offers. Being a small town blogger is just one of them, but it’s there for anyone to exercise and enjoy.

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