Gov. Walker’s Actual Political Standing in Wisconsin (October 2011)

I’m not a Walker supporter, because Gov. Walker’s far from libertarian.

If one is a Walker supporter – as the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute surely is – it’s right to see Walker’s political prospects honestly. Despite a bit of spin in a WPRI narrative, a recent poll commissioned and published by WPRI reveals Gov. Walker’s weak political standing.

He’s underwater – 42% approve, 56% disapprove:

11. Now let’s turn to the political scene here in Wisconsin. Overall, do you strongly approve, somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove, or strongly disapprove of the way Scott Walker is handling his job as Governor of Wisconsin?

Strongly approve 24
Somewhat approve 18
Somewhat disapprove 11
Strongly disapprove 45
Don’t know / Refused 2

These results, by the way, are more reliable than airy talk about how well the governor’s policies are being received, or results from dodgy pollsters that partisans reflexively prefer. WPRI has a preference, of course, but they’ve nonetheless candidly published results inauspicious to their own camp.

Via The Wisconsin Policy Research Institute.

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