Hot novel ‘Atlas Shrugged’ stars in [Wisconsin] Senate debate – JSOnline

A famous libertarian novel made its way into a debate on Monday:

U.S. Senate candidates Ron Johnson and U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold clashed sharply Monday night on Ayn Rand’s famous novel “Atlas Shrugged” about an economy crumbling under the weight of government intrusion and regulations.

See, Hot novel ‘Atlas Shrugged’ stars in Senate debate – JSOnline.

Feingold, by the way, is right about who’s working hard and productively — that group is vastly larger than simply a few factory owners, for example. The United States depends on millions and millions of hard-working people, in all sorts of occupations.

The actual number is so much larger than the one Rand imagined that the book’s plot is merely a metaphor for our actual condition. (I’m not sure how well Johnson sees that.)

Part of that actual condition, though, is one of people over-burdened and ill-served by government.

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