Human/Capuchin Parallels Revisited – Freakonomics Blog –

So are people hard-wired to make bad decisions, the way monkeys do?

Take finance: we tend to play it safe in situations where we stand to make gains. But faced with the risk of a substantial loss, we get nervous and opt for even riskier strategies in the vain hope we can avoid losses altogether….[Researcher Laurie] Santos says that makes us — as Freakonomics readers will have already guessed — just like capuchin monkeys.

Yes, he’s sharp-looking, but surely we can do better than this guy —

A white-headed Capuchin in Costa Rica’s Manuel Antonio National Park. Taken by John Hayashi, 15 July 2006.

Via Human/Capuchin Parallels Revisited – Freakonomics Blog –

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