I Am a Constitution Voter

The American Civil Liberties Union has an election season initiative called, I Am a Constitution Voter.

It’s a fine campaign, and just the antidote to a season of partisan campaigning. Here are the principles of the I Am a Constitution Voter pledge:

  • I believe that no one — including the President — is above the law.
  • I oppose all forms of torture, and I support both closing the Guantánamo Bay prison and ending indefinite detention.
  • I oppose warrantless spying.
  • I believe that government officials, no matter how high-ranking, should be held accountable for breaking the law and violating the Constitution.
  • I believe that the Constitution protects every person’s rights equally — no matter what they believe, how they live, where or if they worship, and whom they love.
  • I reject the notion that we have to tolerate violations of our most fundamental rights in the name of fighting terrorism.
  • I am deeply committed to the Constitution and expect our country’s leaders to share and act on that commitment — every day, without fail.

The ACLU website has a link where one can take the pledge. Those who do so have the option of receiving a free bumper sticker.

There’s much more at the website, though — a visit offers many ways to preserve American liberties. These efforts have one goal in mind — the preservation of America as a free republic.

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