I Married a Prostitute from Ben Sommer’s Super Brain

Earlier this week, I wrote about the premiere of a track from Ben Sommer’s Super Brain here on FREE WHITEWATER. That’s not, in fact, set for today (I was ahead of things), but I’ve the first video from the album that I will embed. Thanks much to the readers who’ve written with positive comments about Ben’s album.

By the way, for those who are wondering, Ben offers his view of the song:

Now…before the prudish sour pusses among you make a single comment please do the following:

Take the lemon out of your mouth
Go get a funny bone, and

No – I’m not really married to a prostitute – and I’m not even the “I” in the song title. Clever how that works, eh?

Anyway – this song dates back to 2002, when I spent an autumn week in solitude at a family friend’s hill-top Vermont home, writing songs all day, hiking in the afternoon, then cooking dinner and getting blitzed by myself on pumpkin beer while I listened to some crappy jazz on the local NPR station. This was pre-cell phone, pre-broadband, pre-kids – pre-everything. So, though I appreciate those things I have now, this song (and the last one – Young Turks) makes me nostalgic.

Sue me.

Now I listen to lots of jazz (great stuff that no one plays anymore, radio or otherwise), and I think this is a great song. This free-speech, liberty-loving blog proudly highlight’s Ben’s music.


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