Iron Sky: Attack of the Space Nazis

Over at Wired, there’s a story about the making of the animated film, Iron Sky. It’s the story of Nazis who escape Europe in 1945, before the collapse of the Third Reich, and take refuge on the dark side of the moon. They plan to return and conquer earth in 2018. See, Space Nazi Trailers Draw Crowd Funding for Iron Sky.

The story and film are not simply interesting because of the odd, implausible, bizarre plot. It’s interesting because of the way that it’s funded: the trailers came first, and based on donations from them, the film is being funded. (Funding is now, reportedly, about 90% completed. Filming should begin this fall.)

Here’s what visual effects supervisor Samuli Torssonen has to say about funding a film this way:

As a hybrid model blending conventional business cash with microdonations from sci-fi zealots, Iron Sky is emerging as the most expensive fan-curated movie to date. As such, it points the way toward a future in which audience and investor become one and the same.

“I think it’s great that the audience can, in some terms, ‘order’ a film that they find cool by investing, participating in the production or donating money,” Torssonen said. “They can give ideas and feedback, become part of the whole process, and finally see a film in theaters that has been tailored for their needs.”

I don’t know if they’ll get all the funding they need, if the film will be produced, or when it will hit theaters (if at all). (Producers have a 2011 target for release of their sci-fi creation.) They’ve made two trailers, and I’ve embedded each below. Their approach is clever, as it’s based on what’s intriguing to viewers, what they’re willing to fund (even if through small amounts).

Trailer One


Trailer Two


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