Jennifer Rubin Moves to the Washington Post

Jennifer Rubin, the veteran blogger formerly writing at Commentary‘s Contentions blog, has moved to the Washington Post, where she’s blogging at Right Turn.

I read from among the left, right, and libertarian, and I’m glad that I do — the conservative Jennifer Rubin is a compelling polemicist. She’s far more — educated, sharp, principled, interesting, indefatigable. I’m in agreement with her (as one can guess) only part of the time: there are many issues on which conservatives and libertarians part company.

No matter — I don’t read for agreement, but for understanding.

On her last day at Commentary, here’s part of what she had to say:

My writing career began as a lark and has become a passion, the most satisfying and engrossing occupation I could have imagined. The opportunity to write in COMMENTARY’s pages and on this website – and throw some elbows, take the barbs (from those whom I’m delighted to have enraged), and report what the mainstream media refused to – has allowed me to contribute to the political debate and, along the way, break news. I owe COMMENTARY’s editors, staff, and writers an immense debt of gratitude….

I have received the benefit of my readers’ extraordinary wisdom, occasional corrections and objections, and good humor. (I’ve often thought that many of you should be writing rather than just reading.)

So very well said.

I had linked to Contentions on her account, and I will update my blogroll to include her new location.

I’ll be sure to visit her there, happily and frequently.

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