Landmarks Commission

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Approval of Agenda and Possible Rearrangement

IV. Approval of Minutes of December 2, 2009 Meetings

V. Set date of next meeting (Wednesday, February 3, 2010, at 5:00 PM)

Old Business

VI. Update on Train Depot Renovation (Lashley)

VII. Update of possible moving or demolition of James and Ella Rockefeller House at 837 South Janesville Road (Scott)

VIII. Update on possible landmark status of Congregational Church Clock Tower (Scott)

IX. Report from Indian Mound Task Force Meeting – (Christ, Scott)

X. Update on Whitewater Effigy Mound Archeological Park
1. Friends of the Mounds Report (Dade)
2. Solstice Walk Observations (Scott)

XI. Action on Landmark Commission Bylaws (Singer & Daniels)

XII. Report on implementing the New Provisions of Chapter 17. (Scott)
1. Discuss establishing criteria for designation
2. List of possible items – Stone Pillars in Starin Park, Free Library Sign, White Building Lanterns

XIII. Certified Local Government Report – (Scott)

New Business

XIV. Discuss possible events and projects for 2010
1. Whitewater Historical Survey Recommendations
2. Historic Preservation Month Activities Events
3. Leaflets and Educational Materials
4. Tours

XV. Future Agenda Items

XVI. Adjournment

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