League of Women Voters’ November Newsletter

Whitewater-Area League of Women Voters’ has published its November 2008 Newsletter, with a schedule of upcoming LWV events. A copy of the newsletter is available as a pdf link in this post, and as a link on my blogroll.

Here are upcoming events:

Date: November 20th (Thursday)
Event: LWV Public Program – Election Analysis
Speaker: Retired Prof. John Kozlowicz, UW-Whitewater Political Science Dept., Race, and Politics of Change
Location: City Hall Council Chambers, 7:00PM

Date: December 7th (Sunday)
Event: LWV Holiday Dinner
Program: musical performance by Whitewater High School Senior, Noelle Werner, who recently won a position on the Tournament of Roses National Honors Band
Location: Whitewater Country Club, evening event

There’s also a Fall Fairhaven Lecture Series, available to the public at no charge. Here are the lectures in the upcoming series:

NOV. 17: How the New Administration Will Treat and Affect the Economy
Dr. Jeffrey Heinrich, Chair, Department of Economics

NOV. 24: International Affairs and the New Administration
Dr. Anne Hamilton, Lecturer, Department of Political Science

(“All lectures are open to the public at no charge on Mondays at 3 p.m. at the Fellowship Hall, located at the Fairhaven Retirement Community, 435 West Starin Road, Whitewater, WI 53190. The Fall 2008 Fairhaven Lecture Series will examine a number of critical issues relevant to the 2008 elections. Sponsored by the UW-Whitewater Office of Continuing Education.”)

The League of Women voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. We take action on public policy positions established through member study and agreement. We are political, but we do not support or oppose any political party or candidate.

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