Libertarian Bob Barr Chats with the Washington Post

Bob Barr spoke to readers of the Washington Post via chat on August 21st. Here are excerpts from that interview:

On Energy Policy

Bob Barr: “I believe that we need to produce more of our basic fuel needs right here in the U.S. We should remove prohibitions to offshore drilling and exploration in ANWR. We need to remove the government restrictions and regulations that inhibit domestic production and refining. Shale oil is another source of energy that could be available to us in the foreseeable future. But all forms of energy are best explored, developed and delivered by the private sector. A free market will do more to reducing our dependence on foreign oil than any government subsidy.”

On the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

Bob Barr: “The recent amendment to the FISA bill allows the government to eavesdrop on every American citizen if they are “believed” to be talking or communicating over the Internet with someone outside the U.S. I believe the FISA bill can allow the government total access to the phone calls and Internet communications of U.S. citizens without the benefit of a court order or even probable cause. Privacy issues are a corner stone of my campaign.”

On How Many Houses Barr Owns

Bob Barr: “Let me take a few minutes to count … one!”

The full transcript is available at

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