Libertarian Bob Barr on the Bailout

Here’s a typical Barr campaign video for the Internet – Barr’s not running national television commercials, as there’s no money for that.  (There have been some radio spots – new for the LP nationally.) 

In his video spots, Barr speaks in an informal setting, across a desk, and describes an LP position in a few minutes, but without much detail. He’s speaks to those who are inclined to his views, assuming they agree with him on the counter-productive consequence of government intervention in the economy. 

Barr was a Congressman from Georgia, and he has a legislative, not executive, manner about him.  It’s nothing like the direct but more stylish approach other presidential candidates might take – it’s more like listening to a co-worker in an office. 

I’ll post later on the Associated Press‘s analysis on the political efficacy of the Libertarian Party’s opposition to the bailout.

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