Libertarian Group Wants Cleveland Native Drew Carey to Run Against Sherrod Brown for US Senate Seat in 2012

A group of libertarian conservatives is trying to convince “Price is Right” host and comedian Drew Carey to run in the Ohio Republican senate primary and then hopefully defeat Democratic incumbent Sherrod Brown.

So far, no major Republican candidates have surfaced. Conservative activist Josiah Schmidt has already set up a website and a Facebook fan page in the hopes of drawing him into the race.

Carey was born and raised in the Cleveland area, but currently lives in Los Angeles where he works as the host of “The Price is Right.”

Via Cleveland Leader.

Carey was host a libertarian series entitled, Drew Carey Saves Cleveland, offering free market fixes for the mess that is contemporary Cleveland, Ohio.

Here’s part of that series, where Carey and Reason‘s Nick Gillespie met Cleveland’s City Council:

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