Libertarian Party: Wisconsin Government Micro-Management Fails

The Libertarian Party of Wisconsin has issued a press release that highlights how Wisconsin has taken the wrong approach toward business growth —

Libertarian Party: Wisconsin government micro-management fails


Contact: Ben Olson, Chair, 608-381-6572,

Jim Maas, Vice Chair, 715-212-7007,

[Rothschild] Harley-Davidson Inc. has rejected the state’s offer of up to $25 million in tax credits aimed at keeping manufacturing jobs in Wisconsin, preferring to make its own management decisions without the strings that came with the offer from the Wisconsin Department of Commerce.

“Wisconsin is being taught the limits of political control over private industry,” observed Jim Maas, Vice Chair of the Libertarian Party of Wisconsin.

“Libertarians call for the Legislature to focus on governance and allow business owners to make business decisions. Wisconsin’s businesses are over taxed and over regulated,” said Maas. “The next session of the Legislature should focus on regaining Wisconsin’s advantages for employers; not just the large, influential ones, like Harley, but all of them. Our government should not be picking winners and losers in the economy.”

Libertarians believe that the only economic system compatible with the protection of individual human rights is the free market; therefore, the fundamental right of individuals to own property and to enjoy the rewards of their just earnings should not be compromised.

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