Libertarian Terry Virgil Runs for Lt. Governor (and Governor!) of Wisconsin

Could a libertarian a become governor of Wisconsin this year? Dr. Terry Virgil, Libertarian Party candidate for lieutenant governor, thinks it’s possible. See, Third-party candidate Terry Virgil hopes to win Wisconsin’s gubernatorial election.

The candidates for governor and lieutenant governor in Wisconsin run as a ticket, but the LP candidate for the governor’s slot is empty, and merely says ‘No Candidate,’ since the LP didn’t field a candidate. Virgil theorizes that if the LP’s ‘No Candidate’ entry on the ballot for governor wins, then he, Virgil, would also win, and he’d become governor.

Yes, I know — it’s a dubious theory. (“Milwaukee Election Commission Rep Sue Edman says, “The law allows for a Lt. Governor to become governor if the governor is removed upon death or vacates the office for some other reason, but this is very unusual.” Edman believes the legislature would meet to deal with the situation before it got to that point.”)

The best chance the Wisconsin LP has to elect a candidate for governor is actually to run one. This would be a second best option. It’s creative, though, and I wish Virgil well in his campaign for lieutenant governor (and governor) of Wisconsin.

Here’s an embedded video of the story:

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