Lincoln School — Special Apology Post

Well, I had a letter from a super angry curious Lincoln Leopards booster this morning. (He’s a longtime reader and prior correspondent, actually, and his message was much appreciated.)

He wrote to observe that coverage at Free Whitewater seems to focus disproportionately on Washington School, to the exclusion of Lincoln School (home of the Leopards) or Lakeview School.

(Lakeview School is home of, well, I’m not really sure, actually, but it’s probably something good. The logo looks like a playful whippet, but it might actually be an Italian greyhound or Pharaoh hound or Ibizan hound. I can’t really tell, and anyway, I only know about those other breeds because I just looked them up on the AKC website as I was writing this post.)

I’ll reply afterward, in red.

Here’s what he had to say:

Hi Adams,

I am a long-time viewer and 3rd time e-mail engager (probably not a word).

Please take this as a curiosity, rather than a complaint, but it seems to me that I have noticed a pronounced exposure weighted toward the activities of Washington Elementary. Is this a personal preference or does Lincoln (and Lakeview) publicly advertise their activities/ events significantly less?

To update you: today Lincoln Elementary celebrated Dr. Seuss’ Birthday with a Green Eggs and Ham Breakfast for students along with their Parents (if possible) and then a school-wide reading of a Dr. Seuss classic in the gymnasium.

I was educated by the Staff of Lincoln (’79-84- then known as “Stinkin’ Lincoln” by Washington kids– they all knew better 😉 ) as is my son now. I am a little sad if the Lincoln activities are not shared as prominently with the community as the Washington activities. I guess if I were a jaded and sullen taxpayer, this would lead me to ASSUME that Lincoln goes through the motions compared to Washington. The result: a negative opinion of a fine Elementary School {so far our experience for our son has been very positive at Lincoln}.

Is your data source devoid of Lincoln (and Lakeview) activities?

Go Leopards!


George Bailey

Adams replies: I owe an apology to the Leopards. Well, it’s true – I have had more coverage of Washington School. I have no personal preference for Washington, though, either as a school or president, over Lincoln. (I’d rate Lincoln the finer president, and I’ll not rate one of our elementary schools over another on that basis.) I’ll also not argue with someone whose pseudonym shows that, ultimately, he understands that it really is a wonderful life.

I have had more postings on Washington, but that’ll change — I signed up additional sources today to help with Lincoln and Lakeview information. Thanks so much, loyal readers.

I will post more comprehensively on all three schools – and I would be the last person who would wish to ignore a Dr. Seuss celebration. A day of Dr. Seuss is worth, I’d estimate, at least 2.7 days of just about anything else.

Unfair, surely, to ignore the author who wrote this, and the school that celebrated his accomplishments:

I would not like them here or there.
I would not like them anywhere.
I do not like green eggs and ham.
I do not like them Sam I Am.

Clever and endearing, both.

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