I’ve only live-blogged an event once before, a Planning Commission meeting.
Tonight, I have a happier subject — the 2009 Whitewater Christmas Parade. Happier yet still, as I will be drinking Spotted Cow during the event.
I am remiss not to be marching in the parade, but – and this will surely surprise you – I don’t seem to have received an invitation from anyone. I know – it was a surprise to me, too. Perhaps next year.
For this year, it’s old-fashioned blogging.

Newer remarks appear at the top of the post. The parade begins at 6 PM.
6:29:32 PM That’s it for the 2009 parade. Best wishes to all for a Merry Christmas.
6:26:50 PM The marchers will travel to Cravath Lake, in the center of town.
6:23:25 PM The parade concludes with another police car. I don’t expect a stop at my house, but there’s extra Spotted Cow here, just in case.
6:21:59 PM There are several fire trucks in the parade. We have a volunteer department, and they are among the most colorful parts of the parade. Santa and Mrs Claus are riding on one of the trucks.
6:20:14 PM There’s a Whitewater Police Association float with the Grinch on trial. It’s a set-up, I tell you! He’s been framed! (It’s a very clever idea, truly, and one of the best floats of the night.)
6:18:07 PM There is a live nativity in the parade. I was in a live nativity once, as a shepherd, and it’s a hard, low paying job (being a shepherd).
6:16:27 PM Some Girl Scouts go by – no one admires their commitment to capitalism more than I do.
6:14:56 PM There’s a car that a local bureaucrat restored and afterward some foreign exchange students. Thereafter, a float for our Relay for Life chapter.
6:13:17 PM A local candidate for county judge, a float with children in the night before Christmas, and a 4 H float.
6:12:02 PM There’s a giant snow rabbit and a gingerbread house.
6:09:58 PM A police car leads the parade. Chief Jim Coan may be on one of his nearly legendary ride alongs.
6:07:56 PM There are events around town all weekend. They call the weekend events Holly Days, I think.
6:06:02 PM It’s a cold and windy night.
6:04:01 PM It traditionally takes a while for everyone to get organized.
6:00:42 PM The parade marchers will walk along Main Street, through the center of our downtown.
5:59:43 PM I can’t wait for the Police and Fire Commission Float.
5:57:34 PM – We should be starting any minute now.