Local News After Public Access Cable Changes, Part 2

We have a city website and city newsletter, a news and sports website that often reproduces city announcements, and a weekly local newspaper that does the same.

(The Royal Purple showed only slight inquisitiveness under its outgoing staff.)

There is seldom any background, any description of how people actually conduct themselves, from these media.

Solid conventional reporters would offer that information, because it lets residents know how incumbents (and those who benefit from incumbents) actually conduct themselves.

These three media offer a sanitized account of events styled, ironically, as proper or professional. It’s ironic because serious professional reporters would offer more.

Incumbents are bolstered from these three media, so much so that they often confuse an entrenched incumbent’s view with the very truth of life itself.

Who will present a more complete view? If Whitewater didn’t have blogs, there’d be no other independent, published view. We have two local municipal/political blogs, to my knowledge: Conservative Thoughts from Whitewater, and Free Whitewater.

Other than that, it’s status quo-bolstering.

While it may seem to be a good time to be an incumbent, but it’s also an opportunity for blogging.

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