Martin Borgs on Preventing the Next Financial Disaster

Market advocates are optimists. We warn against government intervention and spending because we know that common people — as we are — can do uncommon things when able to associate freely without interference or regulation. We reject the contrived and manipulative schemes of politicians and bureaucrats, ad welcome the dynamism and productivity of private citizens in private pursuits. People do not need to be led; they need to be left free of interference.

When we look around, and see wasteful spending, vanity projects, disregard for individual rights, and political favoritism, we sound an alarm because we know that these things need not happen. In a small town, as much as a big city or country, officious meddling reduces opportunity, productivity, and prosperity. We know there’s a better way.

That’s the spirit in which Martin Borgs offers his film, Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis. He’s an advocate for a better way — ways that will prevent financial trouble.

Here’s a description of his film:

…Borgs, using Cato scholar Johan Norberg’s book Financial Fiasco as a road map, warns of the “greatest economic crisis of our age?the one that awaits us.”

Borgs sat down with’s Michael C. Moynihan before the film’s Washington premiere to discuss how we got into the current mess and what Overdose prescribes to prevent future calamities.

Approx. 9 minutes.

Shot by Dan Hayes and Meredith Bragg; edited by Bragg.

Here’s a clip of an interview that Borgs had with Reason‘s Moynihan:


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