Microsoft Uses Apple

Last week, I posted on a failing Microsoft ad campaign, and Microsoft’s abandonment of Jerry Seinfeld as a pitchman. Microsoft decided to respond directly to Apple’s “I’m a Mac, I’m a PC” campaign with an “I’m a PC” reply ad.


When Microsoft created their reply ad, they used Apple hardware and Adobe software to create it.

Microsoft employees may later have tried to conceal evidence that they used Apple and Adobe products.

Too funny, but predictable – Apple makes better products, and so does Adobe.

No one is surprised when ordinary people who work in a business sometimes behave in a self-interested and dishonest way. Yet, when people no different assume public office, they ask and expect that others will see them as selfless public servants, above possible reproach.

We also have reason to doubt a Microsoft-only reliance in our schools when Microsoft forgoes a Microsoft-only approach in the marketplace.

Apple Insider at

for more on the story.

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