Milwaukee County’s woes make possible exec candidates hesitant – JSOnline

The county’s a mess, but Wisconsin’s governor-elect bears some of the responsibility for that sorry condition.

Fence-sitters contemplating a run for Milwaukee County executive are daunted by the county’s financial troubles and growing calls for dissolving county government, according to [County Treasurer] Daniel Diliberti – one of the fence-sitters….

County Executive and Governor-elect Scott Walker has advocated for eliminating county government, as have members of the Greater Milwaukee Committee.

A special election for the remainder of Walker’s unexpired term as county executive is expected to coincide with the spring elections.

With the county facing a huge structural budget deficit and Walker pledging to put state government on a diet – a move that could mean diminished state aid for the county – it’s no wonder the would-be candidates are mostly staying on the sidelines, Diliberti said during a meeting with Journal Sentinel editors and reporters.

See, a Diliberti: County’s woes make possible exec candidates hesitant – JSOnline.

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