Milwaukee FBI agent trips up Russian ‘king of spam’ – JSOnline

Authorities say he was the king of spam, a 23-year-old Russian controlling a network of infected computers generating 10 billion unwanted e-mails a day – a third of the global spam stream – until a Milwaukee FBI agent unplugged the operation.

Now, Oleg Nikolaenko awaits a hearing in federal court in Milwaukee, where he is charged with helping cyber hucksters pitch everything from counterfeit Rolex watches to fake Viagra….

A reported three years is a long time to devote to a spam investigation.

Nikolaenko may be a miscreant, but is the global spam king really a top FBI concern? Spam’s troublesome, but there must be threats to America — of both domestic and foreign origin, variously — that are more important.

Via Milwaukee FBI agent trips up Russian ‘king of spam’ – JSOnline.

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