Motion Hearing for Walworth County Raw Milk Case

Yesterday, I posted about Wisconsin’s regulatory badgering of dairy farmers trying to sell raw milk within existing legal requirements. Even that’s now hard to do, following Governor Doyle’s veto of a bill that would have allowed expanded, yet still modest, raw milk sales. See, Ongoing Harassment of Dairy Farmers in America’s Dairyland.

One of the two lawsuits mentioned in that post was filed in Walworth County. (Note: As one would reasonably expect, I have no connection to these plaintiffs. I’ve simply been following the raw milk sales issue for a while.) There’s a
story online
that mentions the Walworth County lawsuit.

A motion hearing in that local case is scheduled for Thursday, June 10th at 10 a.m. before Walworth County Circuit Judge John Race. Among the plaintiffs are local dairy farmers, and the Farm-To-Consumer Legal Defense Fund.

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