National Opt-Out Day Called Against Invasive Body Scanners |

Air travelers, mark your calendar. An activist opposed to the new invasive body scanners in use at airports around the country just designated Wednesday, Nov. 24 as a National Opt-Out Day. He’s encouraging airline passengers to decline the TSA’s technological strip searches en masse on that day as a protest against the scanners, and the new “enhanced pat-downs” inflicted on refuseniks….

“The goal of National Opt Out Day is to send a message to our lawmakers that we demand change,” reads the call-to-action at, set up by Brian Sodegren. “No naked body scanners, no government-approved groping…”

….The TSA has asserted that the machines cannot store pictures, but security personnel at a courthouse in Florida were found to not only have saved images but shared them among colleagues in order to humiliate one of their coworkers….

Scientists have also expressed concern that radiation from the devices could have long-term health effects on travelers.

Via National Opt-Out Day Called Against Invasive Body Scanners | Threat Level |

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