New Wisconsin Bill Would Allow Secretly Designated Legislative Successors

Hard to believe, but true – the Wisconsin legislature is set to consider a bill that would allow Wisconsin legislators to compile a secret list of potential successors in the event of an attack on the state. Should legislators be killed, those from the secret list would serve in a re-constituted legislature.

The bill’s solution to the collapse of representative government in Wisconsin would be a secret, unrepresentative government.

(There is an amendment pending that would make the successor list public.

Every person in our legislature supporting a secret successor list – every last one – is unworthy of representing the people of Wisconsin.

For those who might think all of this a joke, or rumor, it’s not.

Here’s a link to the Wisconsin Assembly bill:

Assembly Bill 317.

More on the story is available at: New Wisconsin Bill Would Allow Secretly Designated Successors.

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