Officers and Rights

Someone wrote to me, and mentioned that in the comments section of the Janesville Gazette stories on FREE WHITEWATER, some of the most supportive comments on free, anonymous speech came from those who are apparently police officers. (See, City Officials Seek Blogger’s Identity and Blogger Keeps a Watchful Eye on Whitewater.)

I’m not surprised. Most officers are more likely to be better-versed in an understanding of law and rights than others.

I think that it should be clear — to a literate, rational person — that I have an affection and close family connection to policing. In my late-December 2007 post entitled, The Force We Need, I state plainly, that my concerns are of the leadership of our police department.

That’s why it’s unavailing when our force’s present chief falsely contends that I am somehow angry at the department. I am angry at no one; I am critical — for sound reasons of policy — at our current police administrator, and the lack of adequate citizen oversight.

As for our officers, I have always wished them well, and believed that they deserved and would benefit from a different direction.

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