On the 2008 City Budget: Overview

Quick thoughts on the proposed 2008 City Budget. The presentation to our Common Council amounted to over 198 pages, presented in two increments, over the last two council sessions.

The October 23rd presentation involved six key areas: Finance, Parks and Recreation, Planning/Zoning/Code Enforcement/Buildings, Administration, Young Memorial Library, and the Library Special Revenue Fund.

The October 30th presentation involved twelve key areas: Information Technology, Parkland Development, Fire and Rescue, Cable TV, CDA, Police, Public Works, Water Utility, Wastewater Utility, Stormwater Utility, Solid Waste/Recycling Fund, Ride Share.

It’s a cautious, competent budget. The overall increase in the budget proposal is slightly over 2%. That’s a conservative increase, and nowhere as profligate as some federal increases, or increases in other states and small cities. It is, as the administration notes, an increase less than annual jump in the federal consumer price index.

I’ve read through these pages, and like anyone, I could always suggest a few areas that I might like changed. Out of millions of dollars dollars, a few changes would always be likely. Overall, though, it’s not significantly different from last year.

Because it’s not a significant departure from the past, the proposal will keep us on our present fiscal course. In the end, I do not believe that will provide enough growth for the city, but it certainly won’t take us off course, either.

Next: How a libertarian might change the budget, to reduce the scope of government, spur additional growth, and make Whitewater a less-regulated place.

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