On the School District Administrator Candidates: District Information

Over the next two days, two candidates, Dr. Suzanne Zentner of Arizona, and Dr. Dennis Pauli of Illinois, will visit our city as candidates for District Administrator of the Whitewater Unified School District.  I know as much, from announcements in newspapers, private websites, and our own district’s announcement. 

One can find that announcement through a link on the district’s main page.  Here’s the announcement, as a screen shot: 


Here’s the text of that announcement: 

Final Slate of District Administrator Candidates Announced Whitewater Unified School District School Board President Charles Nass announced today the two finalists for the position of district administrator of the Whitewater Unified School District. From a pool of 22, the School Board selected seven candidates. A team of school board members and administrators interviewed the candidates March 5 to March 12.

Final candidates are Dr. Suzanne Zentner, Associate Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, Isaac School District, Phoenix, Arizona; and Dr. Dennis Pauli, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, Round Lake School District 116, Round Lake, Illinois.

The next step in the selection process will be to hold day-long interviews with the candidates. Each candidate will spend one day in the district touring the school buildings and meeting with the principals and others. The interview team will conduct a final interview with each candidate.

Staff, parents, and the community are invited to attend a public forum and reception at the Whitewater Country Club from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. on March 31 for Dr. Suzanne Zentner, and on April 1 for Dr. Dennis Pauli. The School Board plans to make its selection no later than April 2.

If you have questions, please contact Board President Charles Nass at 262-903-9511 or

A quick comment, regarding the District’s announcement — 

Additional WUSD Website Information.  There’s none, so far as a search of the WUSD site reveals.  No information on candidates’ backgrounds, by district, community demographics, summary of career accomplishments, etc. 

One hears so very much about parents, and non-parents, in the community being stakeholders, from the current District Administrator.  If that’s true, and if that means anything, then why not more detail on the website, well in advance so the community might have time to consider these candidates.  Not merely a reception and public forum held at the last hour, but more time for reflection?   

One may find this information, of course, but an open district — a truly open culture — would share these vital facts without hesitation.  Why so reluctant?  Those who will decide will still be able to do so, having had so much time as they like for lawful, closed-session deliberations. 

A candid district is a better, stronger district.  

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