Go Badger(s)! “Wayward Badger Found at Downtown Post Office.”

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel website has a story and accompanying video about a badger found in a Milwaukee post office. Reporter Meg Jones describes the badger’s adventure:

A wayward badger somehow managed to get into a building at the main post office in downtown Milwaukee this morning….

A Department of Natural Resources warden was called to the scene and with the help of postal employees, the badger was herded out of the locker room. The animal huddled in a corner of a gated area outside the building where postal trucks are maintained….

The DNR did not put the badger in a cage because it’s likely it’s living nearby with newborn kits. Badgers, Wisconsin’s state animal, are usually nocturnal creatures who burrow holes into the ground where they live underground. It’s unknown how the badger ended up at the post office.

Badgers really are impressive animals with sharp, distinctive markings.

Here’s the video:

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