One Year On

It was a year ago that FREE WHITEWATER began. Since then, there have been hundreds of posts, on dozens of topics. Many have addressed the administration of justice in our small town, and other posts considered the right of free expression. My interest in these topics is unchanged.

Nonetheless, I did not begin writing for those topics alone, however important they are. If there had been less to consider, I would have addressed other topics sooner. I cannot say that the opportunity will present itself; events often guide commentary.

I can say that, as with other blogs from across our state, there’s more to write, about topics explored less fully than I might have wished. I’d enjoy writing more – and in greater detail — on planning, or LP politics, for example.

When I began, and for about two months afterward, this website had few visitors. I thought that it would probably stay small forever, and I was contented with that number of readers. I wrote on topics that interested me, without trimming my sails, and without expecting much change in readership. Even a few dozen readers each week seemed like a large number.

Month in, month out, readership has grown, and now I have a steady readership of about twenty-two hundred unique individuals (excluding search engines, etc.) visiting each week. Of those readers, many visit several times during a given week. They’re readers from Whitewater, across Wisconsin, and places farther afield in America.

A new year waits, with posts unwritten, on topics unknown.

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