
Chancellor Beverly Kopper announced today the selection of Susan Elrod as provost and executive vice chancellor for Academic Affairs.

Dr. Elrod currently serves as the interim provost and vice president for academic affairs at the California State University, Chico. She will join UW-Whitewater on April 15.

“I am so pleased Susan Elrod will join us as our next provost and executive vice chancellor for Academic Affairs,” Chancellor Kopper said. “In my discussions with Susan, she immediately recognized that UW-Whitewater is a university that is doing amazing work with dedicated faculty, staff and students. She is a true believer in the transformational power of comprehensive universities and brings enthusiasm and passion for our unique mission. I trust she will be a great asset to our campus and the UW System.”

See, Susan Elrod named provost and executive vice chancellor for Academic Affairs,

What it means for the university, as with a new strategic plan due to be completed in the spring, well, it’s too soon to say.  All this will only work to prevent comparative decline if there’s a fundamental change of course from that of the last administration.

Local insiders, however, staked everything on then-Chancellor Telfer; to head in a different direction for the sake of the university, itself, will be hard for those who thought university developments were (and should always be) perfectly aligned with their own wants and needs.

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