149 search results for "boosterism"

Inside (Whitewater) and Outside (America)

A bureaucrat’s remarks about “….much media attention this past week to a recent sanitary sewer back up that affected First Lt. Joseph P. Cull’s property on Park Street in the city….” are days late and twenty-thousand dollars short. The media attention came from reporting outside the city, while the local press stayed silent. Over at…

Local-o-meter for the April 30th Issue of the Whitewater Register

Here’s the Local-o-meter for April 30th issue of the Register. What’s the Local-o-meter? It measures how many local ads appear in our town newspaper, the Whitewater Register. To be generous toward local advertising, I’ve included in the local total nostalgic columns, from local-talking politicians, who never fail to emphasize how supposedly unique Whitewater is. There’s…

Local-o-meter for April 23rd issue of the Whitewater Register.

Here’s the Local-o-meter for April 23rd issue of the Register. What’s the Local-o-meter? It measures how many local ads appear in our town newspaper, the Whitewater Register. To be generous toward local advertising, I’ve included in the local total nostalgic columns, from local-talking politicians, who never fail to emphasize how supposedly unique Whitewater is. There’s…

Register Watch™ for April 9th: The Local-o-meter

What to make of a local politician who talks local, but writes for a publication that depends on the out-of-town merchant to survive? You might think that’s, well, a contradiction, paradox, puzzle, conundrum, or just really messed-up scene, but why be so imprecise about it? Here at the FREE WHITEWATER Division of Advanced Scientific Inquiry®,…

Register Watch™ Triple Feature: July 10, 2008 Issue

In this post, I will consider the July 10th Register. It’s issue number 17 of their 152nd year. It’s a holiday issue with pictures from the Independence Day parade and weekend. On occasions like this, the Register would be better off with an online edition. It could post hundreds of pictures rather than just a…

Coan on Star Packaging from the WPD Newsletter, Volume 48

The Star Packaging raid offers insight into how Whitewater Police Chief Jim Coan presents his police force to the community, and as a consequence, the message he sends to his team. No action of Coan’s force has been as justly controversial as the Star Packaging raid, and at each stage his statements underlie an unwillingness…

The Press Covering Whitewater

We are a small town, without a good newspaper published within the city limits. There are some fine papers that provide limited coverage of Whitewater, but the city lacks a solid, responsible paper of its own. The Whitewater Register — part of a newspaper consortium — is sickeningly uncritical of real problems in the city,…