188 search results for ""Innovation Center""

The City Budget: First Pass

It’s the season, across Wisconsin, for municipalities to present and approve their 2010 budgets. The process varies by city – some finish quickly, some extend the discussion from October into November. We are among that latter group – although we are a small town, our municipal budget is a big matter, with considerable discussion. Last…

The Next Big Thing

You may be sure that these days are scarcely ordinary – we are on the cusp of the extraordinary, the exceptional, and innovative. Nearly a month ago, Whitewater broke ground on a taxpayer-funded tech park, along a street renamed Innovation Drive, beside our existing business park. There was a brief ceremony, filmed for those who…

Whitewater at the Trough

I’m sure someone has a story to tell about how one of his Scandinavian ancestors swam across the Atlantic, hiked through the forests and prairies of America, and helped found this city with his bare hands.  It’s just another version of the commonplace, “when I was a child…” stories one hears from crusty old relatives.…

Common Council: What Are They Building in There? (July 21st, 2009)

Here’s a latest review of City of Whitewater invoices, in honor of the Tom Waits song entitled, “What’s He Building in There?” (The song’s an ode of — but not to — paranoia, and every time that I hear it, I think of all the small-town busybodies who are sure that your business should, truly…