274 search results for "innovation center"

Daily Bread for Whitewater, Wisconsin: 7-29-10

Good morning, Whitewater’s forecast for today calls for a sunny day with a high temperature of eighty-three degrees. On this day in 1959, NASA was created. Wired describes the events leading to NASA’s birth in a story entitled, July 29, 1958: Ike Inks Space Law, NASA Born in Wake of Russ Moon” President Eisenhower signed…

Daily Bread for Whitewater, Wisconsin: 7-1-10

Good morning, It’s a sunny day with a predicted high of seventy-eight degrees forecast for Whitewater. Today is also the beginning of Whitewater’s holiday events. A website describing the holiday in Whitewater is available at Here’s what’s scheduled through the weekend: Festival Schedule

Daily Bread for Whitewater, Wisconsin: 1-28-10

Good morning, It’s a chilly forecast for Whitewater, with a predicted high of ten degrees, and blustery skies. There’s a story over at the tech blog Ars Technica about Pope Benedict XVI, entitled, “Pope: Priests Should Blog, Tweet the Gospel Too.” Naturally, the blogging to which he refers doesn’t concern politics, but rather faith, as…

A Drive By Any Other Name…

It’s in Romeo and Juliet that Shakespeare gave the world the observation, from Juliet’s lips, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, By any other name would smell as sweet.” Well, it’s time to brush up your Shakespeare, because Whitewater’s renamed Corporate Drive as ‘Innovation Drive’ for the new technology park to…

Associated Press Managing Editors’ Statement of Ethical Principles

These principles, and even more so basic principles of reasoning, and standards of writing, are useful to a common person who wishes to think, and write, about press coverage of his town. Statement of Ethical Principles These principles are a model against which news and editorial staff members can measure their performance. They have been…

Daily Bread: December 23, 2008

Good morning, Whitewater There are no scheduled public meetings in the City of Whitewater again today. Whitewater, did you get your Christmas wish early? I think you did. The National Weather Service predicts a certainty of snow, with a high of 26 degrees. The Farmers’ Almanac predicts that today will be fair and pleasant. Yesterday’s…

Common Council Meeting for November 20, 2007, Part 2

This is Part 2 of my review of the latest Common Council meeting, on November 20th. Part 1 was posted previously. On Tax Rates. City Manager Brunner mentioned that tax rates in Whitewater have been declining year over year. That sounds impressive, but it’s not meaningful by itself. A reduction of tax rates in the…