121 search results for "coan "

Ultra-Sophisticated Terrorist Quiz

From Reason Magazine‘s website, an online TERRORIST QUIZ. See how I did: Adams’s Results. (I’ve no idea if Whitewater’s Chief Coan had a hand in designing the quiz, or if he intends to incorporate it as an investigative tool. Can’t be any worse than his prior efforts.)

Tiny Flower Turns Pig Poop into Fuel | Wired Science from

I am not sure who’s Director of Plants and Animals, or Flora and Fauna, or whatever, here in Whitewater. I hope, though, the high official in that position reads Wired, because in that fine publication one finds a possible solution to all our energy worries: Note to Chief Coan – By high official I…

“Riding (along) in the fast lane!”

Oh, too funny ~ Look what the Royal Purple offers up for an April 1st dateline: Chief Jim Coan “Riding (Along) in the Fast Lane.” Someone at the Purple is assured a fine career at… The Onion. Enjoy. Riding Along in the (Fast) Lane.

Daily Bread: April 1, 2009

Good morning, Whitewater It’s a busy day today in Whitewater, with a greater number of public meetings than yesterday. I’ll set out the schedule, as I’ve learned it. All meetings on the agenda, with one exception, take place at the Municipal Building, 312 W. Whitewater Street. Beginning at 9 a.m., in the City Manager’s Conference…

What Happens in Vegas…

Update, 2/09/10: Coan’s account of his travels is no longer online.  I challenge the City of Whitewater to put that work back online.  The Travels of Marco Polo are readily available online, so why not Coan’s series?  The original link to the City Manager’s Weekly Report for 3/13/09 is no longer online, as the city…

Whitewater Publication Requests

Good afternoon, my fellow residents. I have two quick requests that someone might be able to fulfill, short of an open records request. First, I am looking for the issue of the Whitewater Police Department’s quarterly newsletter in which Chief Coan writes about the police officer as warrior. The issue is probably several years old,…

Daily Bread: January 29, 2009

Good morning, Whitewater Tonight at 7 p.m. there will be a meeting of the East Campus Neighborhood Association at the community building in Starin Park. The agenda of the association is available online. Agenda items include remarks from City of Whitewater City Manager Kevin Brunner, Councilmember Roy Nosek, City Attorney Wallace McDonell and Neighborhood Services…

Predictions for 2009

Here’s my local, amateur version, in honor of former columnist William Safire’s long-standing tradition, of offering annual predictions. The list for 2009: 1. In 2009, the University will win the following number of national sports championships: A. None B. One C. Two D. More than two 2. The land adjacent to Whitewater’s award-winning roundabout will…

The Meyer Lawsuit: Pending Questions

Well, we in Whitewater, Wisconsin are not given to introspection. We lead by cheerleading. That’s not my view; I am happy in dissent from, and against, cheerleading. I would be ashamed to be so callow. The federal constitutional lawsuit against former investigator Meyer and the Whitewater Police Department is now settled. The world did not…

The Meyer Lawsuit: Our Silent Press

Well, if settlement in this case represented anything good for the city, would it not have been writ large on the front page of the Whitewater Register? Settlement was a disgrace for the city, as I once wrote when it seemed possible: Larry Meyer’s career has been bad for the city, and all the king’s…

Register Watch™ Triple Feature: July 3, 2008 Issue

I have three issues of our local weekly paper to cover, and I will begin with the July 3rd issue. Stabbing near the Eastsider. The lead story describes charges against two men allegedly involved in a stabbing and beating. The defendants were charged with felony battery and misdemeanor disorderly conduct counts. The Register notes that…

Police Accreditation in the June 26th Register

I recently offered an assessment of the accreditation of our police department. My post from June 17 on the subject is available on my website. I noted four deficiencies with accreditation. First, accreditation is a self-selected status, and does not test or measure all departments in the state. Second, a list of several hundred standards…

Register Watch™ for the June 19th Issue – The Curious Incident of the Headline at Press-Time

Headline Prediction. I erroneously predicted that this issue of the Register would feature a screaming headline announcing a solution to world hunger, a way around energy shortages, an improved state budget, better community development, an effective anti-mosquito pill, shoring up one police chief’s over-rated reputation through a checklist of tasks. Discard the meaningful accomplishments, and…