76 search results for "populism "

Republicanism Without Principle

Writing at Commentary, Noah Rothman has a short, but powerfully insightful, post entitled Republicanism without Principle.  The essay is, immediately, about Trump and the Republican party, but it applies as nicely to republicanism as a form of government under the pressure of radical populism.  (It’s worth noting that Commentary is a conservative publication; one finds…

Berlusconi’s Political Career as a Partial Analog for Trump’s

One reads much these days about how similar Trump and Silvio Berlusconi supposedly are. There’s something tempting about comparing Trump’s political situation to Silvio Berlusconi’s: both are businessmen, held no earlier office before winning a national election, are admirers of Putin, crude, anti-intellectual, and lecherous. There’s reason to look at parallels between the two; one…

Daily Bread for 12.6.16

Good morning. Here in Whitewater, we’ll have a partly sunny Tuesday with a high of thirty-five.  Sunrise is 7:12 AM and sunset is 4:20 PM, for 9h 08m 42s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing crescent with 40.9% of its visible disk illuminated. Whitewater’s city government will hold a public meeting on street reconstruction from…

Daily Bread for 11.20.16

Good morning. Sunday in Whitewater will be sunny with a high of thirty-six.  (The average November high here is about forty-six.)  Sunrise is 6:54 AM and sunset 4:26 PM, for 9h 32m 18s of daytime.  The moon is a waning gibbous with 58% of its visible disk illuminated. Worth reading (or hearing) in full — Katherine J.…

Recent Tweets, 10.23 – 10.29

For how long? Netflix Consumes a Third of America’s Peak-Hours Internet Bandwidth – The Atlantic Wire 28 Oct Cap Times sticks up for Joe Biden (someone, somewhere had to): Biden’s populism is right for Wisconsin 26 Oct GOP rejects Dem-sponsored resolution on free speech rights in Assembly gallery 26 Oct Why the…

Rep. Paul Ryan on Business and Markets

Whitewater, Wisconsin is divided between two congressional districts, one of which is served by Rep. Paul Ryan. The online Washington Examiner has a brief opinion piece called, “Paul Ryan’s Free-Market Populism.” The article mentions an essay that Ryan recently wrote for Forbes in which he decried the tendency of large corporations to seek government handouts…