76 search results for "telfer"

Whitewater’s Innovation Center: Economic Development Administration Sends ‘Cease and Desist’ Letter Over Alleged Violation of Competition in Construction Requirements

The City of Whitewater, together with UW-Whitewater and the Whitewater Community Development Authority, is undertaking an eleven-million dollar, publicly-funded technology park project. The centerpiece of that project is an Innovation Center building. (I have written about the project before; for information on the relationship between the three organizations involved in the project, see the Memorandum…

Recent Tweets, 9-12 to 9-18

Bacteria Ate Mostly Gas, Not Oil In BP Spill September 16, 2010 9:09:38 PM RealClearMarkets – AP – Markets – – US homes lost to foreclosure up 25 pct on year September 16, 2010 9:06:10 PM CDT BBC News – Pigeon flies past broadband in data speed race » FREE WHITEWATER September…

On Whitewater’s “Innovation” Center, August 2010

There’s a story at the Janesville Gazette‘s website that offers a chance to consider yet again Whitewater’s Innovation Center. It’s a welcome opportunity. For the Gazette‘s story, see UW-Whitewater is a serious player in economic development. First, an observation about the Innovation Center and Tech Park: This is an eleven million dollar publicly-funded project, using…

On the Innovation Center’s Anchor Tenant, Part 2

An official’s weak arguments don’t become better or more convincing on repetition. On the contrary, stubborn repetition only reveals additional errors and mistakes, offering more opportunities for a robust critique. Last week, I wrote about the selection of CESA 2, a taxpayer-funded agency, as the anchor tenant for Whitewater’s upcoming Innovation Center, a taxpayer-funded and…

Real Risks in a Real Town

There’s a view – almost a wish – that in a small town, life will prove less regulated, and the only regulations the community issues are the most important, truly concerning health and safety. Sometimes, after paying for another permit, or sitting in a traffic jam caused by another urban plan gone awry, someone in…

“UW-W: Then and Now” Wiki

I received the following announcement, that I am happy to post, about a wiki (a collaborative webpage) at the university to which those with memories of UWW can contribute — “UW-W: Then and Now” created in celebration of the inauguration of Chancellor Richard J. Telfer, is a place where members of the broader UW-W community…