112 search results for "ACT scores"

That From Which Dreams Are Made

Wisconsin, like most states, publishes sets of scorecards measuring students’ progress. (The overwhelming majority of school districts – 91% – at least meet expectations. Our local district falls within this common group; a few particular schools are admirably above it.) Yesterday, the district announced the latest results, after the state’s Department of Public Instruction made them…

Daily Bread for 11.19.16

Good morning. We’ve a cloudy & windy day ahead in this city, with a high of thirty-seven.  Sunrise is 6:53 AM and sunset 4:27 PM, for 9h 34m 13s of daytime.  The moon is a waning gibbous with 68.2% of its visible disk illuminated. Worth reading in full —  Steven Horwitz writes about The double thank…

Daily Bread for 1.10.16

Good morning, Whitewater. Sunday will be cold, but with increasing sunshine on a day with a high of nine degrees.  Sunrise is 7:24 and sunset 4:40, for 9h 16m 24s of daytime.  It’s a new moon, with just .4% of that natural satellite’s visible disk illuminated. Clemson or Alabama tomorrow?  That was the FW poll question…

Boo! Scariest Things in Whitewater, 2015

Here’s the ninth annual FREE WHITEWATER list of the scariest things in Whitewater for 2015. The 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 editions are available for comparison. The list runs in reverse order, from mildly frightening to truly scary. 10. The Coming Ferret Invasion. Alternative title: The Unprepared Will Be Doomed.  Earlier this year,…

Policy Topics for the Fall

I last wrote in February about local policy topics that I thought were interesting. See, Policy Topics for the Spring and before that Four Public Topics for the Fall (2014). In February, these were my selections:  Whitewater School Budget Cuts, the Whitewater’s School Board Election, the UW-Whitewater’s Budget, UW-Whitewater’s Social Relations, and the City of…

The Whitewater Schools’ Near Future

Look out a few years (the next three to five, let’s say), and the Whitewater Unified School District has difficult prospects.  Beyond that conditions may get better, but getting better may simply mean recapturing lost ground rather than net gains from today’s circumstances. The district faces perpetual, structural deficits, made somewhat less difficult only through…

Daily Bread for 11.23.14

Good morning, Whitewater. There’s a mild November day ahead for us, with a high of fifty-one and cloudy skies. Sunrise is 6:57 AM and sunset 4:25 PM, with 9h 27m 43s of daytime. The moon is a waxing crescent with only 1.3% of its visible disk illuminated. Friday’s FW poll asked respondents for their favorite…

Thoughts on the 11.4.14 Election

Whitewater will not see an election so big as last night’s for another two years’ time. There’s much to consider about the results. A few remarks appear below, along with a table using preliminary, unofficial data from Walworth, Rock, and Jefferson Counties with results for the referendum and gubernatorial questions. COUNTY COMMUNITY REFERENDUM YES REFERENDUM…

Message Independence

Look at Whitewater, and one sees scores of groups with press releases, community announcements, or political viewpoints to publicize.  Even much smaller communities have similar conditions: a dozen people are likely to have more than a dozen views.  Each day, and especially in an election year, it helps to have the independence to offer views…

Whitewater’s Educational Focus

It’s perfectly reasonable to choose from among many diverse occupations.  Location makes a difference in these choices: students in desert communities don’t dream of becoming local fishermen. For Whitewater, while there’s sure to be more than one career path, it’s practical and reasonable to contend that a university town should encourage a university education as…

Daily Bread for 4.6.14

Good morning. Sunday will be a sunny day with a high of fifty-seven degrees.   On this day in 1968, 2001: A Space Odyssey appears in theaters: Originally entitled A Journey Beyond the Stars, Kubrick’s film was released in April 1968 as 2001: A Space Odyssey. Jumping seamlessly from Africa in the Pleistocene Era to…

Daily Bread for 1.10.14

Good morning. Friday brings a high of thirty-six and a wintry mix of rain, freezing rain, and sleet during the day. On this day in 1861, President-elect Lincoln chooses wisely: …William Seward accepts President-elect Abraham Lincoln’s invitation to become secretary of state. Seward became one of the most important members of Lincoln’s cabinet and engineered…

Daily Bread for 1.5.14

Good morning. Whitewater will have a cold Sunday, with a high of nine, and wind chill values between ten to fifteen below. The Whitewater Unified School District, as with many other districts across Wisconsin, will be closed tomorrow, 1.6.14: “WUSD Closed Monday, 1/6/2014 due to dangerous wind chills. After school & evening activities for Monday…