703 search results for "TID 4"

Daily Bread for 4.13.13

Good morning. Saturday brings a chance of morning flurries and a high of forty-three. On this day in 1970, Apollo 13’s planned moon landing became impossible after an explosion from a liquid oxygen tank. Anthony Bourdain will have a new show on CNN, Parts Unknown, beginning this Sunday @ 8 PM CT. Here’s a portion…

Daily Bread for 4.10.13

Good morning. We have a rainy day with a high of forty-one. The Tech Park Board is scheduled to meet at 8 AM this morning. On this day in 1947, Jackie Robinson becomes a major-league player with the Brooklyn Dodgers: Jackie Robinson, 28-year-old infielder, yesterday became the first Negro to achieve major-league baseball status in…

Daily Bread for 4.6.13

Good morning. Saturday brings a chance of rain with a high of sixty-four. So you’re paddling along in a kayak, and a possum swims by – what to do? Here’s Eric Markt’s answer: On this day in 1909, “explorers Robert E. Peary and Matthew A. Henson became the first men to reach the North Pole.…

Daily Bread for 4.4.13

Good morning. Thursday brings a true spring day to Whitewater: sunny with a high of fifty-six. Common Council meets tonight at 6:30 PM. On this day in 1968, civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., 39, was shot to death in Memphis, Tenn. On this day in 1865, Wisconsin regiments pressed on against Robert E.…

Daily Bread for 3.14.13

Good morning. Thursday brings mostly cloudy skies and a high of thirty-four (with a chance of snow) to Whitewater. On this day in 1879, Albert Einstein is born: On March 14, 1879, Albert Einstein is born, the son of a Jewish electrical engineer in Ulm, Germany. Einstein’s theories of special and general relativity drastically altered…

Daily Bread for 3.4.13

Good morning. Monday will be cloudy with a high of thirty-one. Whitewater’s Parks & Rec Board meets at 5 PM. On this day in 1789, government under the U.S. Constitution begins: The first session of the U.S. Congress is held in New York City as the U.S. Constitution takes effect. However, of the 22 senators and 59 representatives called…

How to Tell a Tide’s Turning

After National Review repeatedly questions a grand policy, and the Wall Street Journal prints an essay against that same policy, the tide’s turned in a meaningful way. Bonus indicators: (1) defenders of the current policy have to justify it in ways they wouldn’t imagine necessary a decade earlier, and (2) David Frum – self-professed conservative…

Daily Bread for 8.4.12

Good morning. Whitewater’s Saturday will be hot and sunny, with a high of ninety-three (but with a chance of afternoon thundershowers, too). On this day in 1914, Britain declared war on Germany. The Wisconsin Historical Society records that on this day in 1862, War Department Order Prompts Riot On this date the War Department issued…

Friday Poll: Would you jump from 96,640 feet like Fearless Felix?

Earlier this week, Fearless Felix Baumgarnter set a personal best for a jump — in a pressurized suit — from 96,640 feet. ‘Fearless Felix’ falls far fast: Let’s assume that Felix and others could prepare you, adequately, to do what he did. (It’s a big assumption, of course, because Felix has been skydiving from…

Daily Bread for 4.25.12

Good morning. It’s a Wednesday of showers and thunderstorms ahead for Whitewater, with a high of sixty-two. On this day in 1996, W-2 (Wisconsin Works) [Was] Signed Into Law On this date Governor Tommy Thompson signed the W-2 (Wisconsin Works) program into law, making Wisconsin the first U.S. state to replace a benefits-based welfare system…

Recent Tweets 9.18 to 9.24

It’s not going away anytime soon A primer on the Milwaukee County “John Doe” investigation @ Dane101 23 Sep Corruption probe easily WI story of the day/week/month Those not there are nowhere JSOnline 23 Sep JS hits state corruption probe again: Governor’s spokesman granted immunity 23 Sep Nothing but the big themes – Chris Rickert:…

Daily Bread for 8.4.11

Good morning. It’s a partly cloudy day today with a high of eighty-three for the Whippet City. The draft’s never been popular, and sometimes unpopular even in wartime. The Wisconsin Historical Society writes about how Wisconsinites reacted in 1862: 1862 – War Department Order Prompts Riot On this date the War Department issued General Order…

Daily Bread for 4.25.11

Good morning. It’s a rainy day ahead for Whitewater, with a high temperature of fifty-eight. The Wisconsin HIstorical Society notes that on this day in 1996, Governor Tommy Thompson signed the W-2 (Wisconsin Works) program into law, making Wisconsin the first U.S. state to replace a benefits-based welfare system with a requirement that recipients work…