179 search results for "Great Recession"

Downtown Whitewater and an Emerging Business Culture

At Tuesday’s Common Council meeting, there was a brief presentation from two board members of Downtown Whitewater (DTWW), with others from that group also in attendance.  In the life of a small town, success of merchants matters greatly.  (I’m opposed to pitting local independent merchants against local chain stores, but I very much support local…

Poverty in Our Area

Using data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates, for children aged 5 to 17 in families in poverty, rate as a percentage of all children that age: Delavan-Darien Edgerton Elkhorn Area Fort Atkinson Jefferson Milton Whitewater Area 2007 10.98 7.10 11.60 7.01 8.05 5.4 9.89 2008 11.90 8.22 15.28 8.78…

The City of Whitewater’s 2013 Draft Budget (Tax Incremental Financing)

What’s tax incremental financing? It’s the creation of a tax district where a municipality spends public funds for improvements in roads, etc., to encourage private investment in that blighted area. The hoped-for revenue from that additional – incremental – new private investment goes to pay for the municipal spending on roads, etc. It’s an if-you-build-it-they-will-come…

Recent Tweets

Apr 19 John Adams @DailyAdams Daunting – Chart of the Day: The Great Recession is Still Nowhere Near Over 19 Apr John Adams @DailyAdams Koch-Funded Americans for Prosperity rushes to bolster ALEC | Daily Adams #ruinalltheytouch

Whitewater’s 2.7.12 Common Council Meeting

Update: links fixed. Whitewater’s Common Council met last night, and here are assorted observations on the meeting. Scads of Objectives. Whitewater’s city manager lists 133 major city objectives, of which 85.7% were ‘completed or achieved.’ What should one say? It would have been better to achieve a few meaningful goals, than to list over a…

Underestimating America’s Influence: Why America’s Not in Decline

There’s been much talk, from generation to generation about the rise of the next global power to supplant America.  The Soviet Union (yes, for many, this once seemed certain), Japan,  and now China:  in each instance, an insistence that America is in decline.  (For a post that addresses myths about China, see Overestimating China’s influence: ‘Five myths about China’s power’.) At the New Republic,…

Whitewater’s Decade of Child Poverty

The only way to make an ill person truly and permanently better is to see her condition for what it is; genuine recovery requires an honest diagnosis. Despite my doubts about their program, I respect Roosevelt’s New Dealers’ for their willingness to call a problem a problem. If they had lived to see contemporary Whitewater,…

On Whitewater, Wisconsin’s 2012 Municipal Budget

It’s mid-November, and on schedule, Whitewater (pop. 14,622) has a budget for 2012. There’s some good in this year’s result, but other challenges lie ahead. (A pdf copy of the budget is available online. For my remarks on the 2011 budget, see Whitewater, Wisconsin’s Next Municipal Budget.) A few remarks on the ‘12 budget: With…

The Mortgage Meltdown, Robo-Signing, and Foreclosures

Over at Freedom Watch, Judge Napolitano and his panel discuss an expanding robo-signing scandal (along with the separate topic of the IMF’s insatiable need for more money). I’ve written often about the recession, but seldom about the mortgage meltdown. Like many lay people, I thought that the recession would be deep, and that recovery would…

Press Series: Part One (Why Newspapers?)

Like millions of others, I grew up in a newspaper-reading family. A family would have several papers, morning or afternoon, at a time when afternoon dailies were still common (and commonly profitable). One read almost every part of the paper, and the names of reporters, editors, and publishers were well-known to readers. So one would…

Whitewater’s Downtown

Walworthy County Today has a story online from Kevin Hoffman about downtown revitalization in small towns. Whitewater is part of that story. See, Communities work to revitalize downtown despite challenges. Challenges there have been. The Great Recession took a toll everywhere in America, and 2007-2009 are among the worst years in American economic history. And…