Poll: Comments on FREE WHITEWATER

I’ve been writing for nearly three years now, and I receive a good bit of email, from places near and (sometimes) surprisingly far. Every so often, I have thought about adding moderated comments to this website, for some posts. Moderated, because this website is a private publication, and a private publisher need not accept every submission. Some posts, because a more focused location for comments would make reviewing submissions simpler and faster.

So, here’s a non-binding poll, listing possible suggestions for a comment section.

One key point — I am reminded of the way that David Boaz of Cato once ended a column at the Guardian’s website: “have at it.” There’s a lot of strength in that invitation, one that I believe — Go ahead, take up a counter-argument if you’d like.

I’d also have that sort of debate, column by column, with anyone in the city, on any agreed-upon topic. One is not motivated by a desire to win the exchange (that being uncertain, in any case); one begins and persists through sincere conviction. With that conviction, any person may contend against all the world.

The poll will stay open through Monday at midnight. I’ll post on the results Tuesday.

Comments are closed.