Poll Results on Comments at FREE WHITEWATER

Thanks very much to everyone who submitted an opinion on whether there should be comments at FREE WHITEWATER. I thought I’d publish a non-binding poll about whether to include moderated comments on some or all posts.

Most respondents, a bit more than half, voted for comments on some posts, designated as ‘Open Forum’ feature. (The poll had more respondents than any I’ve published previously.)

So, I’ll work on how to craft an Open Forum/Comments post, probably for publication weekly. (I’ve already modified the website to be able to accept comments for designated posts.) Of course, readers will be able to submit comments pseudonymously or anonymously, if they’d like.

I very much appreciate the many responses that I’ve received. Although readers well know that one of the characteristics of FREE WHITEWATER is writing and publishing posts as I see fit, readers’ comments, opinions, and poll results matter.

Very much, actually.

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